
The Local Plans Database and dashboard both use Healthy People 2030 (HP 2030) as the organizational framework. Learn more about what type of health topic is included in each HP 2030 category and subcategory by browsing objectives on HP 2030’s website.



This search tool enables users to query CHA/CHNA information based on their preferred parameters. Users may apply multiple filters in a search.
CHIP/IP Search
This search tool enables users to query CHIP/IP information based on their preferred parameters. Users may apply multiple filters in a search.



This report provides a summary of all Community Health Assessment (CHA) and/or Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) based on preferred parameters (i.e., year(s), region, organization type, etc.). When interpreting this report, it lists the number of occurrences of the Healthy People 2030 subcategory & category and the number of organizations reporting as a health concern within their CHA/CHNA.
Health Assessment Cycles Report
Illustrates when the most recent Community Health Assessment (CHA) and/or Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) was completed based on preferred parameters (i.e., year(s), region, organization type, etc.). When interpreting this report, it lists the name of organization, jurisdiction, and where to locate the full publication.
Health Assessment Individual Report
This report provides an organization-specific summary based on preferred parameters (i.e., year(s) and organization name). When interpreting this report, it includes an overview of each Community Health Assessment (CHA) and/or Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) by year, including the health concerns identified, data sources, and steering committee representation. Following each year summary, is the organization’s regional affiliations.
CHA/CHNA Original Documents
This tool allows you to find and download the full PDF file of a Community Health Assessment (CHA) and/or Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) by organization. Users may search/filter by publication name, year, organization, and health jurisdiction.


CHIP and IP Report
This report provides a summary of Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) and/or Implementation Plan (IP) reports based on preferred parameters (i.e., year(s), region, organization type, etc.). When interpreting this report, it lists the number of occurrences of the Healthy People 2030 subcategory & category and the number of organizations reporting as a health priority within their CHIP/IP.
Health Improvement and Implementation Planning Cycles Report
Illustrates when the most recent Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) and/or Implementation Plan (IP) was completed based on preferred parameters (i.e., year(s), region, organization type, etc.). When interpreting this report, it lists the name of organization, jurisdiction, and where to locate the full publication.
Health Improvement and Implementation Planning Individual Report
This report provides an organization-specific summary based on preferred parameters (i.e., year(s) and organization name). When interpreting this report, it includes an overview of each Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) and/or Implementation Plan (IP) by year, including the priorities identified, data sources, and strategies identified to address the priorities. Justification and barriers are included for priorities that organizations are not able to through the respective CHIP/IP. Following each year summary, is the organization’s regional affiliations.
CHIP/IP Original Documents
This tool allows you to find and download the full PDF file of a Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) and/or Implementation Plan (IP) by organization. Users may search/filter by publication name, year, organization, and health jurisdiction.


Health Concerns and Priorities Alignment Summary
Depending on the users preferred parameters (i.e., year(s), region, organization type, etc.), this report demonstrates the alignment of health concerns reported within the CHA/CHNA and priorities identified within the CHIP/IP.
Health Concerns Not Addressed Summary
This report summarizes the reasons and number of organizations reporting a barrier for not addressing a particular health concern based on preferred parameters (i.e., year(s), region, organization type, etc.). This report is recommended to supplement the “Health Concerns and Priorities Alignment Summary Report.”
Health Concerns and Priorities Alignment List Report
Depending on the users preferred parameters (i.e., year(s), region, organization type, etc.), this report offers a list of strategies to address the priorities identified within the CHIP/IP and reasons for priorities they are not able to address during the respective CHIP/IP cycle. When interpreting this report, the checked boxes show the specific strategies to tackle the selected Healthy People 2030 subcategory within their CHIP/IP. Unchecked boxes provide the reason that the organization is not addressing the respective health concern identified in the CHA/CHNA.
Health Concerns and Priorities Alignment Individual Report
This report provides an organization-specific summary of how their priorities align on either a statewide or region based on preferred parameters (i.e., year(s), organization name, and region). When interpreting this report, the checked boxes show the specific strategies to tackle the selected Healthy People 2030 subcategory within their CHIP/IP. Unchecked boxes provide the reason that the organization is not addressing the respective health concern identified in the CHA/CHNA. Also included within this report is a crosswalk with the numbers of organizations identifying this as a health concern in their CHA/CHNA and priority within their CHIP/IP.


This search tool enables users to query which jurisdictions and organizations are in each of the regions included in the database. The regions are used in other search tools as parameters for filtering results.
Local Planning Cycles
Illustrates when the most recent CHA/CHNA/CHIP/IP was completed based on preferred parameters (i.e., year(s), region, organization type, etc.). When interpreting this report, it lists the name of organization, jurisdiction, and publication year of most recent CHA/CHNA and CHIP/IP.